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5 Essential Nurse Interview PREP Tips

30 October 2020


5 Essential Nurse Interview PREP Tips

​5 Essential Nurse Interview PREP Tips

Finally Laura got the phone call! After weeks of waiting and silence, St. Mary’s Regional Center called her for an interview. Not just any interview, although she’d be grateful for anything at this point. But an interview for an ED new grad residency position in the hospital of her choice.

She knows how important it is to make a good, no, an outstanding impression, and move on to the next round of interviews. So Laura frantically started studying up on ED knowledge to prep. But is that the best approach?

Laura would be far better off to follow these 5 essential nurse interview tips.

Skip the Cramming

Laura needs to know she shouldn’t try to recall everything she learned about emergency nursing. An interview is not the NCLEX  and  novice candidates are not expected to possess expertise.

What Laura needs to know is….theyareinterviewing several equally qualified novice candidates searching for the one or two who are teachable, safe, and will fit in. That’s what she needs to keep in mind as she preps. Here’s the other key tips:

But Do Prepare

Do prepare by having your answers/examples ready for questions such as“Tell Us About Yourself”and what never to say when asked

 “What is Your Greatest Weakness?”These and theTop Interview Questionsare going to be asked in some form, and it’s important to prepare.

Plan the Outfit

Get out all pieces of the outfit the day before, in good light, and inspect for stains, stray threads, loose buttons. Do a dress rehearsal, including the best supportive underclothing and accessories. A memorable piece of jewelery, such as a pin or necklace, can work to your advantage by makingyoumemorable. Overall, strive for a conservative look.

Print several copies of your resume as they may or may not provide them. Print more than you think is needed, because additional people can be called to the panel interview at the last minute. ReadWhat to Bring to Your Interview .

Do a Dry Rehearsal 

Drive to the facility around the same time of day as your appointment to get a feel for traffic and parking. Time yourself and then add in extra  time for traffic and delays. Make sure you know how to find your interview room and which elevator you’ll be taking. Check to find out where the nearest bathroom is.

Be Confident

Prepare to be confident. Don’t feel confident? It’s OK, you can still smile, give a firm handshake andappearconfident. All things being equal, confident candidates land jobs.Confidence in nursingis seen as a value. Timid applicants do themselves no favor. Some hiring managers will doubt your ability to fit into a group of big personalities typical of some speciality units if you are overly shy or guarded.

Remember they are already impressed with you; they selected you above others to interview. Actually, they are rooting for you to succeed.

Be open and warm. They will love it when you show your genuine self.

5 essential nursing interview tips

THE BOOK EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT! Insider tips written by me

For all the best tips in one place, be sure and readYour Last Nursing Class: How to Land Your First Nursing Job It’s the ultimate guide to landing your nursing job- everything you need from resumes to  interviewing. 

Best wishes,

Nurse Beth

Come visit me atAsk Nurse Bethcareer column at for all kinds of  entertaining and informative career questions and answers, and to submit your own question

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